Berbers of Morocco - Bibliography

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Hart, David M. (1984b). "Segmentary Systems and the Role of 'Five Fifths' in Tribal Morocco." In Islam in Tribal Societies: From the Atlas to the Indus, edited by Akbar S. Ahmed and David M. Hart, 66-105. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Originally published in 1967.

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Montagne, Robert (1930). Les berbères et le Makhzen dans le sud du Maroc: Essai sur la transformation politique des Berbères sedentaires (groupe Chleuh). Paris: Félix Alcan.

Montagne, Robert (1973). The Berbers: Their Social and Political Organisation. Translated by David Seddon. London: Frank Cass. Originally published in French in 1931.

Murdock, George Peter (1960). Social Structure. New York: Macmillan. Originally published in 1949.

Neumann, Wolfgang (1987). Die Berber: Vielfalt und Einheit einer alten nordafrikanischen Kultur. Cologne: DuMont Verlag. Originally published in 1983.

Raha Ahmed, Rachid, ed. (1994). Imazighen del Magreb entre Occidente y Oriente: Introduccion a los bereberes. Granada: Copisteria La Gioconda.

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Waterbury, John (1972). North for the Trade: The Life and Times of a Berber Merchant. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press.

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