
ETHNONYMS: Herders of southern Africa, Khoikhoi (Khoekhoe) Hottentots, Khoisan

See also San-speaking Peoples


Barnard, Allan ( 1992). Hunters and Herders of Southern Africa: a Comparative Ethnography of the Khoisan Peoples. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Carstens, W. Peter (1966). The Social Structure of a Cape Coloured Reserve. Cape Town: Oxford University Press.

Elphick, Richard (1977). Kraal and Castle: Khoikhoi and the Founding of White South Africa. Johannesburg: Ravan Press.

Engelbrecht, J. A. (1936). The Korana: An Account of Their Customs and Their History, with Texts. Cape Town: Maskew Miller.

Hoernlé, A. Winifred (1913). Richtersveld: The Land and its People. Johannesburg: Council of Education, Witwatersrand.

Marais, J. S. (1968). The Cape Coloured People: 1652-1937. Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press.

Schapera, I. (1930). The Khoisan Peoples of South Africa: Bushmen and Hottentots. London: George Routledge & Sons.

Smith, Andrew B., ed. (1995). Einigualand: Studies of the Orange River Frontier. Cape Town: University of Cape Town Press.

Stow, George W. (1905). The Native Races of South Africa: A History of the Intrusion of the Hottentots and Bantu into the Hunting Grounds of the Bushmen, the Aborigines of the Country. London: Swan Sonnenschein.

Wilson, Monica, and Leonard Thompson, eds. (1969). The Oxford History of South Africa. Oxford: Clarendon Press.


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