Tropical-Forest Foragers

ETHNONYMS: Aka: Babinga, Bayaka, Biaka, Mbenzele. Asua: Aka, Bambuti. Baka: Bangombe. Bofi: Babinga. Bongo: Akoa, Bazimba. Efe: Bambuti. Kasia Twa. Kola: Bagyeli. Mbuti: Basua, Kango. Medzan: Tikar. Ntomba Twa. Rwanda and Burundi Twa.


Bahuchet, Serge (1993). Dans la forêt d'Afrique Centrale: Les pygmées aka et baka. Paris: Peeters-SELAF.

Bailey, Robert C, Serge Bahuchet, and Barry S. Hewlett (1992). "Development in the Central African Rainforest: Concern for Forest Peoples." In Conservation of West and Central African Rainforests, edited by K. Cleaver, M. Munasinghe, M. Dyson, N. Egli, A. Peuker, and F. Wencélius, 260-269. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.

Cavalli-Sforza, L. L, ed. (1986). African Pygmies. Orlando, Fla.: Academic Press.

Kent, Susan, ed. (Forthcoming 1996). Cultural Diversity among Twentieth-Century African Foragers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Chapters on tropical-forest foragers by B. Hewlett, M. Ichikawa, and D. Joiris.]

Tumbu 11, Colin (1965). The Mbuti Pygmies: An Ethnographic Survey. Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History. New York: Museum of Natural History.


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