Tsimihety - Sociopolitical Organization

Political Organization. Madagascar is an independent republic. Mosst Tsimihety live in the province of Majunga, principally in the districts of Marotandrano, Mandritsara, Befandriana, Bealanana, and Andapa. The administration is further divided into cantons, quartiers, and villages. Tsimihety may become chefs de quartier and chefs de village, but they do their utmost to avoid participation in central, or imposed government. Elders ( rayamandreny ; lit., "mothers and fathers"), under the leadership of the senior male of the senior generation ( soja ), manage village affairs. A chef de village may formally convene the whole village for discussions ( fokon'olona ). Tsimihety shun large political gatherings or amalgamations; tricky situations are best resolved by disbanding a settlement and migrating to another location.

Social Control. The central government maintains police stations in the district and provincial centers. The Parti Sociale Democratique (PSD) is dominant in the region and maintains a network of agents throughout the villages. Effective social control is maintained through family and kinship solidarity, public meetings ( kabary ), divination ( sikidy ), and the strong but covert influence of diviners and general advisers ( ombiasa ). Many difficulties are blamed on various types of spirits ( zanahary, zanambatrotraka, kalinoro ) and ancestors (razana), but are resolved through taboos ( fady ), offerings, and promises.

Conflict. Tsimihety have made themselves past masters at avoiding open conflict with outsiders, preferring evasion, stonewalling, dissembling, and other tactics of frustration. Alcohol is not widely available, and people are not aggressive. Open discussion of disagreements is the preferred way of finding solutions to domestic problems. Historically, Tsimihety have been defeated whenever they resisted invasion, and this has led them to hide in the hills from any outside threats. Resentment of outsiders—in particular, of Merina—suggests constant tension.

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