
ETHNONYMS: Dashan, Jinghpaw, Khang, Singhpo, Theinbaw


Carrapiet, W. J. S. (1929). The Kachin Tribes of Burma. Rangoon: Superintendent of Government Printing and Stationery.

Friedman, Jonathan (1979). System, Structure, and Contradiction. Copenhagen: National Museum of Denmark.

Gilhodes, Charles (1922). The Kachins: Religion and Customs. Calcutta: Catholic Orphan Press.

Hanson, Olaf (1913). The Kachins: Their Customs and Traditions. Rangoon: American Baptist Mission Press.

Leach, Edmund R. (1954). Political Systems of Highland Burma. Cambridge: Harvard University Press; London: G. Bell & Sons.

Leach, Edmund R. (1961). Rethinking Anthropology (chapters 2, 3, and 5). London: Athlone Press.

Lehman, F. K. (1977). "Kachin Social Categories and Methodological Sins." In Language and Thought: Anthropological Issues, edited by William McCormack and Stefan Wurm, 229-250. The Hague: Mouton.

Lehman, F. K. (1989). "Internal Inflationary Pressures in the Prestige Economies of the Feast-of-Merit Complex." In Ritual, Power, and Economy: Upland-Lowland Contrasts in Mainland Southeast Asia, edited by Susan D. Russell, 89-102. Occasional Paper 14. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University, Center for Southeast Asian Studies.

Lintner, Bertil (1990). Land of Jade: A Journey through Insurgent Burma. Bangkok: White Lotus.

Maran, LaRaw (1967). "Towards a Basis for Understanding the Minorities of Burma: The Kachin Example." In Southeast Asian Tribes, Minorities, and Nations. Vol. 1, edited by Peter Kunstadter, 125-146. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.


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