Rennell Island

ETHNONYMS: Mugaba, Munggava, Rennellese

Both Rennell and its twin island Bellona (Munggiki) are Polynesian outliers in the central Solomon Islands. Rennell is a raised coral atoll, with a large lake in its southeastern end, located between 11°34′ and 11°47′ S and 159°54′ and 160°37′ E. In 1976 there were 1,945 inhabitants of Rennell Island. Rennellese is part of the West Polynesian Group of Austronesian languages. Rennellese settlements tend not to be nucleated into villages but rather are scattered throughout the island. They consist of one or more dwellings and a cook house around an open clearing off the main path.

Food is obtained mainly through horticulture and fishing, supplemented by hunting and collecting. Yams, taro, and bananas are very important cultigens. The coconut is tremendously important as a source of food and raw material. Various birds, flying foxes, and sharks are also eaten. In general, women cook, garden, collect fruits and herbs, fish inshore, plait, make nets, and take care of the children. Men do the heavy gardening, hunt, fish, make tapa and sennit, and are responsible for wood carving, canoe making, and house building. Elaborate feasts effect the distribution of agricultural, sea, and forest products among the descent groups. Land is held individually by the men of a lineage. The profession of expert carpenter ( mataisau ) is a highly respected one.

Important kin groups include clans, subclans, and patrilineages. The Rennellese view marriage as a means of creating alliances ( hepotu' akinga ) and as a way to continue a man's lineage. One's mother's brother's daughter is the preferred mate, and this tradition leads at times to conflict between parents and child in the choice of spouse. Polygyny was traditionally approved but was not very common. Residence is nearly always patrilocal, although after a divorce a woman Returns with her infant children to her father. The core of the domestic unit ( manaha ) is a nuclear family, often supplemented with various relatives, both natural and adopted.

The kaka'anga was the largest politically integrated unit. Primary authority was vested in the landholding males and in the senior men of senior lineages in each generation. In addition to these leaders Rennell had a paramount chief ( angiki ) who was descended from the leader of the first immigrants. The angiki could communicate with and influence the gods during trances. He was also the judicial authority and could have criminals beaten or put to death or have their crops destroyed. In spite of the overwhelming patrilineal emphasis of Rennellese society, a person maintains close ties with the members of his or her matriline as well.

Rennellese religion had little to say about eschatology or cosmology; its major concern was life and the fertility of Humans and of the plants and animals they depended on. Today, nearly all of the people are Christians. All adult males officiated at the various rituals, which were directed by priestchiefs ( tunihenua). The most important rituals were associated with the harvest and distribution of yams. Mediums possessed by supernatural forces could convey the latter's messages and wishes. Each kakai'anga had its own set of ancestors, who were worshiped as gods. In addition, there were two high gods: Tehainga'atna, the fierce god of nature; and Tehu'aigabenga, the god of culture, society, and cultivated plants.


Birket-Smith, Kaj (1956). An Ethnological Sketch of Rennell Island: A Polynesian Outlier in Melanesia. Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, Historiskfilologiske Meddelelser Bind 35, no. 3. Copenhagen: Danish Natural Museum.

Birket-Smith, Kaj (1966). Language and Culture of Rennell and Bellona Islands. Copenhagen: Danish Natural Museum.

Also read article about Rennell Island from Wikipedia

User Contributions:

Kia Ora
I watched a documentary of the Rennel islands, lead by Dr Patu Hohepa of the University of Auckland, who went to the Rennel islands to research the people history and migration to the islands.
From the documentary it appeared that the Mugaba shared a link with the polynesian figure Maui, and shared similar accounts of his sinificance to them. And possibly a link to Kupe the great polynesian discoverer of Aotearoa New Zealand. The northern Mugaba people traced their migration to the islands around about the time Kupe discovered New Zealand, elderly people shown on the documentary claimed that they descend from a man named Kaituki who captained the waka(vessel) that discovered the islands. And that he Kaituki was a cousin to Kupe.
As Dr Patu Hohepa travelled to the southern part of the islands he discovered a different account of the islands history. According to the southen people, the islands were already inhabited before Kaituki's the end the oral history was inconclusive.
There was however a stiking language resemblance between the Mugaba language and that of the Maori but the relationship between the two is inconclusive.
Hope Rennell Paradysz
Can you tell me how the Rennell Island got its name? My maiden name is Rennell and we are trying to find connections or meaning.
I would like to response to both articles above. Rennell and Bellona was know as Mungava ma Mungiki. It was a name given by our ancestors when they first discovered our both islands. The comments by Tekoha Wihongi about the first people in our two islands we called: Avaiki or Tenukusumangie(Island unknown). Those who first settle there was Hiti(Short and hairy people).However, when Kaitu'u from 'Uvea was in 'Uvea, his mother Ngotoniniu was dreamed of an island surrounded by sandy beaches. She told her son to search for the island accompanied by Gods and goddesses. They reach a lot of Islands such as Henuatai, etc.. but the God says to Kaitu'u, this is not the island that we are looking for. So after many months and years of traveling in the vast ocean, they reach Mungava (Rennell), but the Gods says no! This is not the island. So they continue with their journey, and from there the goddess discovered an island popped out from the ocean in a distance. So from there the goddess her name was Tahasi, stand up she shout and sung a traditional chants called: Tenukusumangie kitea kae kitea (the island unknown has found). She continue with her chant and said "Ooohh tu'u Mungiki(ooohh here comes the island we are looking for now called Mungiki). So from there, when they went to Mungiki (Bellona), there are shorter and dark people already there, and I believed they are from the first wave of migration, because we are the second migration to the island now we reach 25 generations. So when settling there, our ancestors make/create friends with the short and hairy darker people. Unfortunately, the Hairy short Hiti people killed Kaitu'u's uncle(Tongo)because he gave the big population of Hiti a dove(one), so the people angry n jealous so they killed him. After that, Kaitu'u retaliate and killed all of them and no one existed until today. Furthermore, some bellonese people went and lived in Mungava(Rennell). After that, many other tribes such as the Rotuman tribes called Mainge came to discover Rennell. But regarding the question by Hope Rennell Paradysz, the name Rennell is a foreign named given to our bigger island of Mungava(Rennell), named after the British oceanographer of London in 1798, during the Bbritish trying to colonised the Pacific. Thanks..!

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