Lisu - Religion and Expressive Culture

Religious Beliefs. Traditional religion centered on a pantheon of gods and nature spirits, but there is little published material about it. Some of the Lisu festivals still observed today are borrowed from the Han (Lunar New Year) or neighboring peoples (Torch Festival). During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, some Lisu converted to Catholicism and Protestantism brought by Western missionaries.

Arts. Ornaments of silver, shell, and pearls and bead necklaces and headdresses are a distinguishing feature of the Lisu. A rich repertoire of songs and dances are an important part of weddings, funerals, festival days, and house construction.

Death and Afterlife. The Lisu buried their dead in village or clan graveyards. Men were buried with their knives and hunting bows, women with their weaving tools, hemp bags, and a cooking pot. The Lisu thought they would use them in the afterworld. A year after death, the mourners would build a burial mound; three years later, they would hold a ceremony to conclude the offerings to the deceased.

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User Contributions:

Aphu soni yobin
Lisu were living on their hard work and they believe in their work. Lisu never seek the servant for their house, nor do the servant for other's. Perhalps lisu says "the work live, where the money live and the work is the hand of men and the money live with the hand of men". Today lisu were scartered all over the world but they still live in their nature of lisu as it was... Lisu never want the lower from someone, nor want to put someone to be lower. Lisu believe the equality for everyone. LISU HAS THE PERFECT NATURE IN ITs CULTURE AND RELIGION

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