

Sociopolitical Organization

The community life of Orthodox and Armeno-Gregorian Udis is regulated by customary laws ( adat ). The churches also exercise an important authority, as did the czarist Russian government.


Arutinov, A. A. (1905). "Udiny" (The Udis). Russkii Antropologicheskii Zhurnal (Moscow), nos. 1-2.

Bezhanov, M. (1892). "Kratkie svedeniia o selenii Vartashen i ego zhiteliakh" (A brief account of the village Vartashen and its inhabitants). Sbornik Materialov dlia Opisaniia Mestnostei i Piemen Kavkaza (Tbilisi) 14.

Greppin, J. (1982). "The Language of the Caucasian Albanians." Folia Slavica 5:161-180.

Volkova, N. G. (1977). Udiny Gruzii: Polevye issledovaniia Instituta etnografii AN SSSR, 1975 (The Udis of Georgia: Field research of the Institute of Ethnography of the Soviet Academy of Sciences in 1975). Moscow.

NATALIA G. VOLKOVA (Translated by Kevin Tuite)

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