


The Suruí have nine villages, dating from their occupation of the coffee plantations started by the peasant farmers they evicted. Groups of biological or classificatory siblings usually live in the same village, which can have as many as eighty inhabitants. Since 1987 all villages can be reached by car and even by bus. Until 1981 the Suruí lived in only two villages.


Coimbra, Carlos E. A., Jr. (1985). "Estudos de ecologia humana entre os suruí do Parque Indígena Aripuanã, Rondônia: Elementos de etnozoologia, plantas de importancia econômica, aspectos alimentares." Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, n.s., Antropologia, 2(1).

Junqueira, Carmen, and Betty Mindlin (1987). The Aripuanã Park and the Polonoroeste Programme. Document 59. Copenagen: International Work Group for Aboriginal Affairs.

Mindlin, Betty (1985). Nós Paiter: Os suruí de Rondônia. Petrópolis: Editora Vozes.

Mindlin, Betty, Marlui Miranda, and Marcos Santilli (1985). Paiter merewá: Cantam os suruí de Rondônia [LP of Suruí chants with accompanying text]. São Paulo: Memoria Discos e Ediçôes Ltda.

Santilli, Marcos (1987). Are. São Paulo: Sver & Boccato.


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