
ETHNONYM: Nepalese

See also Brahman and Chhetri of Nepal ; Gurkha ; Gurung ; Lepcha ; Limbu ; Magar ; Newar ; Nyinba ; Sherpa ; Sunwar ; Tamang ; Thakali


Bista, Dor Bahadur (1967). The People of Nepal. Kathmandu: Ratna Pustak Bhandhar. Reprint. 1980.

English, Richard (1985). "Himalayan State Formation and the Impact of British Rule in the Nineteenth Century." Mountain Research and Development 5(l):61-78.

Fisher, James F. ed. (1978). Himalayan Anthropology: The Indo-Tibetan Interface. The Hague: Mouton.

Fürer-Haimendorf, Christoph von (1973). The Anthropology of Nepal. Warminister: Aris & Phillips.

Hitchcock, John T. (1980). A Mountain Village in Nepal. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.

Levine, Nancy E. (1988). The Dynamics of Polyandry: Kinship, Domesticity, and Population on the Tibetan Border. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Sharma, Prayag Raj (1983). "Nepali Culture and Society: An Historical Overview." Contributions to Nepalese Studies 10:1-20.


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