


Bonfield, Lloyd, Richard M. Smith, and Keith Wrightson, eds. (1986). The World We Have Gained. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

Helweg, Arthur W. (1986). Sikhs in England. 2nd ed. Delhi: Oxford University Press.

Newby, Howard (1979). Social Change in Rural England. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.

Noble, Trevor (1981). Structure and Change in Modern Britain. London: Batsford Academic and Educational.

Priestley, J. B. (1934). English Journey. New York and London: Harper Brothers.

Sampson, Anthony (1983). The Changing Anatomy of Britain. New York: Random House.

United Kingdom, Government of. Central Office of Information (1989). Britain 1989: An Official Handbook. London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office.

Young, Michael, and Peter Willmott (1957). Family and Kinship in East London. Baltimore: Penguin.


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