Rom of Czechoslovakia

ETHNONYMS: Cikán, Gypsies, Tsiganes, Zigeuner


As noted above, the Rom are now largely sedentary. In the Czech region of the republic they live mostly in towns, Scattered among the gadžo. In the Slovak area about 70 percent live in villages, although some isolated settlements still exist.


Horváthová, Emilia (1964). Cigáni na Slovensku. Bratislava.

Hübschmannová, Milena (1972). "What Can Sociology Suggest about Origins of the Rom." Archiv Orientální. Prague.

Nečas, Ctibor (1939-1945). Osudy Českych a Slovenský ch Cikánu. Brno: UJEP.

Romské Obyvatelstvo Podle Sčítání Lidu, Domu a Bytu (1970). Prague: Federal Statisticky Urad.


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