
ETHNONYMS: Mames (in Spanish), Mam Maya


Ebel, Roland H. (1969). "Political Modernization in Three Guatemalan Communities." In Community Culture and National Change, edited by Margaret A. L. Harrison and Robert Wauchope. 131-206. Middle American Research Institute Publication 24. New Orleans: Tulane University.

England, Nora (1983). A Grammar of Mam, A Mayan Language, Austin: University of Texan Press.

Hawkins, John (1984). Inverse Images: The Meaning of Culture, Ethnicity, and Family in Postcolonial Guatemala. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.

Oakes, Maud (1951). The Two Crosses of Todos Santos: Survivals of Mayan Religious Ritual. Bolligen Series, no 27. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.

Scotchmer, David G. (1986). "Convergence of the Gods: Comparing Traditional Maya and Christian Maya Cosmologies." In Symbol and Meaning Beyond the Closed Community: Essays in Mesoamerican Ideas, edited by Gary H. Gossen, 197-226. Studies on Culture and Society, vol. 1. Albany: State University of New York at Albany, Institute of Mesoamerican Studies.

Smith, Waldemar R. (1977). The Fiesta System and Economic Change. New York: Columbia University Press.

Valladares, León A. (1957). El hombre y el mah: Etnografía y etnopsicología de Colotenango. Mexico City: Editorial B. Costa-Amic.

Wagley, Charles (1941). Economics of a Guatemalan Village. Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association, no. 58. Menasha, Wis.: American Anthropological Association.

Wagley, Charles (1949). The Social and Religious Life of a Guatemalan Village. Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association, no. 71. Menasha, Wis.: American Anthropological Association.

Watanabe, John M. (1992). Maya Saints and Souls in a Changing World. Austin: University of Texas Press.


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