
ETHNONYM: Manusian


Carrier, James, and Achsah Carrier (1989). Wage, Trade, and Exchange in Melanesia: A Manus Society in the Modern State. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Fortune, Reo (1935). Manus Religion. Philadelphia, Pa.: American Philosophical Society.

Mead, Margaret (1934). "Kinship in the Admiralty Islands." American Museum of Natural History Anthropological Papers 34:189-358.

Mead, Margaret (1930). Growing Up in New Guinea. New York: William Morrow. Reprint. 1963. Harmondsworth, England: Penguin.

Schwartz, Theodore (1963). "Systems of Areal Integration: Some Considerations Based on the Admiralty Islands of Northern Melanesia." Anthropological Forum 1:56-97.

Schwartz, Theodore (1962). "The Paliau Movement in the Admiralty Islands." American Museum of Natural History Anthropological Papers 49:211-421.


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