Aleuts - Settlements

Aleut permanent winter settlements were usually located on spits in sheltered bays where skin boats could land; the location provided alternative escape routes by sea if the settlement were attacked. A freshwater stream and a refuge rock nearby, salmon streams and beaches where driftwood was cast ashore, and access to technologically important stones and minerals were essential In the east a simple settlement could consist of one to four semisubterranean longhouses (with roof entrances) that could shelter up to about 400 people. A group of settlements formed a loosely coordinated political unit. In the west settlements were considerably smaller, averaging about 60-80 persons; the dwellings were small, and centered on the kazhim, where the headman resided. Within two postcontact generations, the house styles and settlement pattern changed to small individual semisubterranean or wooden houses with windows, doors, and entry halls.

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