Nagas - Kinship

Kin Groups and Descent. Descent among the Angami and all other Naga tribes is patrilineal (although possible Evidence exists of the survival of a matrilineal descent system in the village of Kohima). The most distinct social unit is the exogamous clan. Clan loyalties generally supersede loyalties to other social groupings including the khel. Frequently, clans will splinter and new clans form, an indication of their fluid nature. The Angami believe themselves to be descended from two brothers (or cousins) born of the earth. The elder was named Thevo; the younger was named Thekrono. The Kepezoma issued from the elder of the two; the Kepefuma are the offspring of the younger. It is believed that the divisions bearing these names were exogamous originally. After settling into their present country these two exogamous kelhu split, the result being the formation of the exogamous clans (or thino) making up Angami society. Originally exogamous, these thino have given way gradually to subdivisions called putsa or "kindred" divisions (a more unified body than the thino). The Angami hold the thino and then the putsa responsible for the offenses of individuals. Hence, the putsa is in the process of replacing the thino as the exogamous group in Angami society. Neither kelhu, thino, nor putsa is totemic.

Kinship Terminology. Angami kin terms follow the Omaha terminological system.

User Contributions:

What are the rules the Angamis give on marriage?
What is their family structure like?
Question box
Is the Angami Naga kinship similar to South-East Asian countries like Indonesia, Phillipines, etc to which their culture (especially terrace cultivation) is believed to be similar?

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