
ETHNONYMS: Amaguaca, Amajuaca, Amawaka (probably corruptions of amin waki, meaning "capybara children"), Hepetineri, Ipetinere, Maspo, Sayaco


Carneiro, Robert L. (1964). "Shifting Cultivation among the Amahuaca of Eastern Peru." In Beiträge zur Völkerkunde Südamerikas, edited by Hans Becher. Vol. 1, 9-18. Völkerkundliche Abhandlungen. Hannover: Kommisionsverlag Münstermann-Druck.

Dole, Gertrude E. (1974). "The Marriages of Pacho: A Woman's Life among the Amahuaca." In Many Sisters: Women in Cross-Cultural Perspective, edited by Carolyn J. Matthiasson, 3-35. New York: Free Press.

Dole, Gertrude E. (1979). "Pattern and Variation in Amahuaca Kin Terminology." Working Papers on South American Indians (Bennington, Vt.), no. 1:13-36.

Woodside, Joseph Holt (1981). Developmental Sequences in Amahuaca Society. Ann Arbor, Mich., and London: University Microfilms International.


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