

[Editor's Note: This entry is much longer and more detailed than others to provide a sense of the social, religious, economic, and interpersonal details that are typical of daily life in many Hindu village societies throughout South Asia. This description focuses on life in the early 1960s in a hamlet given the pseudonym of Banyan Hill]

See also Brahman and Chhetri of Nepal ; Sunwar


Fisher, James F., ed. (1978). Himalayan Anthropology: The Indo-Tibetan Interface. The Hague: Mouton.

Fisher, James F. (1986). Trans-Himalayan Traders. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Hitchcock, John Thayer (1961). "A Nepalese Hill Village and Indian Employment." Asian Survey 1:15-20.

Hitchcock, John Thayer (1963). "Some Effects of Recent Change in Rural Nepal." Human Organization 22:75-82.

Hitchcock, John Thayer (1965). "Subtribes in the Magar Community in Nepal." Asian Survey 5:207-215.

Hitchcock, John Thayer (1966). The Magars of Banyan Hill. Reprinted in 1980 as Mountain Village in Nepal. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.

Kawakita, Jiro (1956). "Vegetation." In Scientific Results of the Japanese Expedition to Nepal Himalaya. 1952-1953 , edited by H. Kihara. Vol. 2, Land and Crops of Nepal Himalaya, 1-65. Kyoto: Fauna and Flora Research Society, Kyoto University.

Nepal, National Planning Commission Secretariat (1988). Statistical Pocket Book, 1988. Kathmandu: Central Bureau of Statistics.

Tucker, Francis (1957). Gorka: The Story of the Gurkhas of Nepal. London: Constable.

Turner, Ralph L. (1931). A Comparative and Etymological Dictionary of the Nepali Language. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.

United Kingdom, Ministry of Defense (1965). Nepal and the Gurkhas. London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office.

Vansittart, Eden (1894). "Tribes, Clans, and Castes of Nepal." Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 63, pt. 1:213-249.


Also read article about Magar from Wikipedia

User Contributions:

Yes, mleitng of glaciers have significantly made various regions of Nepal(and South Asia) more vulnerable to floods. Prolonging famine and food shortage (that can be, both directly and indirectly, attributed to climate change)have severed the already deteriorating lives of poverty stricken people of Nepal. Nevertheless, my heart always warms up when I remember hundreds of Nepali youths fighting for climate justice. thank you, Dilip for writing about the intensity of damage being done on Himalayas due to climate change.

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